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Jordan Peterson: Perspective On Suffering

Mining nuggets on suffering well from this by Jordan B. Peterson: “When you’re in hell, anything that lifts you out even a little bit, which stops it from becoming completely catastrophic, is a lifejacket that stops you from drowning. This realism about the...

How Suffering Changes Perspective On Life

From 8/11/2021…CBB Last year as the US Covid deaths began to mount in the summer, time and time again in prayer I asked God, “How much more, Lord?” I had the sense there was a point of critical mass at which point something significant would have been learned...


Loss and lament bring opportunities to be drawn deeper into the loving heart of God the Father, into the mind of Jesus Christ Man of Sorrows, into the comfort of the Holy Spirit consolation…….who know both intimately. (CBByrd 7/19/22) Tonight a small group...


Dr Henry Cloud…. “There’s this idea that time heals all wounds, and it’s a very popular one. At the same time, that kind of thinking can be a big source of pain for a lot of people. Time passing by itself doesn’t do much for us at all. It’s all of...

Sharing In The Suffering of Christ

Sharing in the Suffering of Christ…….. A thought shared in social media by a friend, from C.S Lewis, and worth remembering; . “In Gethsemane, the holiest of all petitioners prayed three times that a certain cup might pass from Him. It did not.” C.S.Lewis...