Today in the dining room at the campground we each received a colorful bracelet with small lettered beads that spelled out “TRUST GOD.”  When I opened my bag to put on my bracelet, the “U” was upside down, so I turned it over.  On the reverse side, it was still upside down, so mine said “TR∩ST  GOD.”   I looked around at others’ bracelets and their “U”s were all turned right side up.  Only mine, it seemed, had been carelessly threaded upside down.  As I left the dining room, I wondered how, out of 70 or more bracelets, I would receive the one with an upside down “U”.  Then it occurred to me, some of us need to have our “U” turned upside down to prevent us from filling its hollow space up with our own strength, competence, and intellect like a reservoir full of self-sufficiency.  If my “U” stays emptied out, upside down, like this one  –  ” ∩ ”  -I will have to learn to rely entirely on God and not myself.  How about “U” ?  Trust bracelet