In the Midst of Angels’ Wings…..

Psalm 104:4

He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.

This morning the Titus 2 ladies and I went to help with the Community Breakfast at Trinity Center of First United Methodist Church.  It was a wonderful morning!  Lynn Haven UMC volunteers cooked the breakfast and many were on hand to serve a full room of guests.  A men’s choir from First UMC was present and sang wonderfully!   Several people commented on the unusually lively and hospitable spirit present in the space.  Many were welcomed and served. 

As we left we had a couple of stops to make.  One of them was to get gas at Walmart.  I was so “in the spirit” in feeling Christ’s presence that, as I put the gas in the car, I felt the early morning sun on my face and a soft wind was blowing….I closed my eyes and had the sensation of angels’ wings moving around me.  I continued holding the gas nozzle with my eyes closed and just enjoyed the sensation of being surrounded by ministering angels.  This scripture came to mind:   Psalm 104:4  “He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.”  I felt warm and wrapped in God’s love! It was a soft peaceful contentment that lasted for hours.  Thank you, Lord, for letting me feel your love!