This past week my husband and I each completed questionnaires on our attitudes toward money as a part of a church class on stewardship that he is co-facilitating. When we’d finished we compared our answers and found that of the 15 questions we’d answered almost every one just alike, which surprised the two of us. We discovered that we’re a lot more alike in our thinking than we’d realized.
This morning in that hazy moment before full alertness as we lay in bed I said to him, “Happy Day after Valentine’s Day.” He said, “That is so weird, I was just about to say the same thing to you!” We laughed.
I guess it’s happened. After nearly 36 years of marriage we’ve begun to think like one another. I’d always heard that long-married couples began to mirror one another’s values, attitudes, habits, and mannerisms.
It’s comfortable feeling that kind of connection to the man I love. It’s also a privilege to feel that God has molded us into a compatibility with one another that I sometimes despaired of ever feeling in our earlier years. I realize, however, that there was a lot more molding of me to him than of him to me in the process. It makes me even more grateful that God chose to give me such a good and sensible man.