Character of God Experienced In Friendship

Today I spent a couple of impromptu hours on an otherwise unscheduled Saturday at the home of a close friend….. We laughed about neither of us having a prior commitment and being free, it being such an uncommon experience in our frequently over-scheduled lives. Having interrupted her in the middle of her own Saturday morning skincare routine, she gave me a luxury facial as Alexa played instrumental hymns on Spotify. And she taught me how to make cold brew coffee and how to froth milk…. all of it a very special treat!

Our conversation came around to how the things we focus on become what we value and define what we experience in life, and reveal our destiny. We each recognized in our lives how God guided us in unexpected ways, which in retrospect have seemed absolutely fitting.

When we begin to gain the kingdom perspective on how long and lovingly God has been at work directing our path or redeeming our willful dead ends, one feels overwhelming gratitude and awe at the omniscient intimacy and omnipotent measure of love of our omnipresent God who is FOR us as Father, TO us in Christ, and IN us by the Holy Spirit. It was a spirit, soul, and body celebration of shared friendship, enjoying Christ’s hospitality in one another….

The best encounters in which the Lord joins us where we are can’t be orchestrated….. only welcomed when they come into being. Thanks to her husband, too, who blessed us as he came and went about his day and offered his encouragement in our sister-friend time.