June 17,2018
“The media is all up in arms over Trump’s off-the-cuff impromptu interview statement Friday morning about the way Kim’s people sit up and pay attention when he speaks and Trump saying he wants “his people” to do the same….It amuses me. They still don’t get that Trump is a corporate executive type personality…..Did they never watch The Apprentice? Have they never been in a corporate executive conference room? A CEO type expects “his people”, his reports, to sit up and pay attention when he speaks. His corporate style doesn’t translate well to political life. But some seriously want to portray Trump as interested in creating a dictatorship. Having put up with as much disrespect, obstructionism, resistance, and thwarting as he has since taking office, I don’t doubt he’d like to be taken seriously. But if not, then feed the naysayers some misdirection to keep them chasing a chimera while he does what he can where he can to straighten out some of the messes in Washington! The uproar amuses some and is ignored entirely by countless others as bait intended to redirect the piranhas.” (CBB)