Aging and Ageism

Bill has said for a while now that he has begun to observe that our culture in general begins dismissing people who are “of a certain age”. The opinions of those who are no longer actively engaged in producing obvious economic value to others may be perceived as less culturally relevant, unpopular, politically incorrect, etc. So he’s quit offering opinions so quickly or broadly. Being retired takes you out of venues where anyone else has to listen to what you say! Oddly, however, when he sends occasional feedback to beta test folks at software companies (who by the way consider him a “high value” user of their website and other application software products and solicit and respond to his input regularly) or to broadcast media customer service types, he often sees his suggestions implemented. It’s not arrogance. It’s not Bill thinking that it is necessarily because he himself or he alone noticed and commented about something that needed to be considered, something not being right or not being “user friendly”, but he is among those who are observant, problem-solving focused, detail oriented and articulate enough and will take the time to try to explain what they see as needing attention. The old adage is that for every 1 person that speaks up, there are many more who think it but won’t bother to say it. But when you risk being the one to speak up in some venues or about some topics, you risk being tuned out altogether….and all the more as one gets older, it seems. Funny, I thought it was just a “girl” thing, getting dismissed for what you say. Starting to see that it’s an “age” thing, too, which makes me doubly irrelevant to most of the world now! LOL! Ronald Reagan reminded us that Moses was 80 when God commissioned him for his major work for which we remember him most. And Grandma Moses was well advanced in age (78) when she began painting her valued folk art paintings! Maybe we’ve got a few decently productive and sentient years left.

frim 2/24/2018

Aging and old age seem to be the themes with which God is pummeling me today! Everything I’m touching and seeing is communicating the same message of value in age. I know that I have prayed that God would use me for as long as He has me here…… Maybe He’s telling me He intends to! I must confess that with each birthday now I go through a questioning period….. “How long can I do this? How can it stay fresh and alive?”

God is good and sovereign and He loves and cares for me. I am content to take one day at the time and let Him guide and control the pace and the productivity.  3/5/21