Books Touch Hearts….

From 10/21/2017:

When Hurricane Michael ripped a hole in the upstairs  west side wall our classroom library at Titus 2, we lost some of our books.  Some have been replaced. Others were shared with folks who lost everything in their homes.  As we continue our residential transition to Living Waters Bridge Ranch we are going to have to reduce our collection as our classroom will be one third to one quarter the size of our current space.

“An individual doing community service hours with us at Titus 2 was helping me organize our classroom e library shelves. She came across a book on the shelf, Hinds Feet On High Places, that suddenly caught her attention. Someone had given her a copy as a teen and it had touched her, but she had lost it. I gave it to her and encouraged her, now as a 30-something adult, to reread and reconnect with what had touched her then. A book can open eyes to a realm unseen before or reconnect us to a younger self with whom we’ve lost contact. God can use any number of things to show us our need for him and to reveal his presence in response to that awareness.”

A cousin of mine replied: “I also read that book years ago. Misplaced my copy, so I bought another at the last Emmaus weekend I worked and re-read it. It was enlightening and touching in a different way this time around!!”


A good friend added:   “Great story. I love that book. I had a similar story happen just this week with a friend I felt moved to give a book too. She had been thinking a lot about her grand mother who had given her the book “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23”. She had lost it and was so thankful to begin reading it again. Love seeing His handiwork! Thank you for sharing!”