Values and Boundaries


Our willingness to set or embrace boundaries is a function of the values we hold. It’s important to know what they are, which are non-negotiable and which are permeable and may be superceded by higher-ranking values.

Titus 2 ladies today reviewed an assignment from last week on values…They took a value survey to identify the things that are important in their personal value system. Then we looked at how those values are being lived out in their lives now, how they came to recognize the values they hold, and how other values may rise to a higher level of importance as one is faced with new opportunities and challenges.

In a second session, as part of the Boundaries curriculum the students read Exodus 18 aloud. The class explored the details of Jethro’s visit to Moses after the exodus from Egypt into the wilderness and how it impacted Moses’ leadership in some very positive ways, including providing the balance he needed to resume his responsibilities as husband to his wife and father to his children and helped mold the people into the beginning of a nation from a rag tag tribal group of former slaves. We talked about how “systems” develop and the types of systems we encounter in our lives, how leaders operate in those systems and how we can live effectively within those systems.