“A single day in a brothel and red light district can open your eyes to the frightening reality these women encounter. When you look into the eyes of a trafficking victim who has been robbed of her sense of self and self-respect, she will often tell you that you cannot help her because this is what she is now. And for me, as much as I long to offer her my grief, my outrage, my efforts for her restoration, they cannot give her what she really wants – a redemption, a justice, an identity beyond her experience.
The greatest answer we have to give her is in God who can call her by name and reveal to her an identity far beyond what this life has given her. Our worldview tells us that we love because Christ loves us – it is what we have to offer to what is broken around us – the longing for an assurance there was a violation to justice, the answer for a healing redemption.
We love and we fight for the ultimate of human rights – that each one is made in His image and carries an intrinsic value that no man or woman has the right to violate.”
— Naomi Zacharias, Director of Wellspring International
Sadly, many women have lived in sexual immorality for long years, having been told “it’s just sex. It has nothing to do with you.” They are deluded into thinking it doesn’t matter. It’s just a marketable commodity, like any other service ….. until they are of an age snd health condition they can no longer make enough to live.
From Life’s Healing Choices: “Once we receive healing for our brokenness, we are compelled to share it with others.
Healed people heal people. ”
It is a joy to see women who do choose life in recovery welcoming and helping others as they make healing choices in life! From 2/26/2017