The comprehensive exam for graduation from the master’s program in counseling proved to be less daunting than I’d expected. Though I won’t know the score for about 30 days, I feel comfortable that I achieved a score that will permit me to graduate.
I’m discovering, however, that employment options in the field, while apparently numerous, are often “contractor” positions….i.e. no benefits, part time, per diem, etc.
This week I was offered another part time job- 15 hours a week- at the same homeless center where I completed the practicum this past term. This, in addition to the current 15 hours a week I work at our church. A good friend of mine was managing 3 part time jobs and working on a bachelor’s degree at the same time, and had been doing so for several years. She had a list of benefits that justified her doing things the way she does. But all of them were predicated on the fact that her husband is employed and provides the family’s health benefits. With our current household employment status, me holding two part time jobs is fine, too, as far as income needs are concerned. I have to trust that God knows what lies ahead for us, employment wise, and that there will be opportunities for us to continue with health benefits, regardless of which of us is employed full time as we go forward. This has become a creeping concern in the back of my mind. I know that God knows that Bill and I have need of medical insurance. I have said for several years that, if necessary, I would go to work at Dillard’s or Winn Dixie to keep us in health insurance when Bill retires. The closer we get to that time, the more I have to ask if I’d really be able to do that. As I have said from time to time through the years, “I’ll do whatever I have to do…..”, within the limits of morality, legality, and ability.
It does seem a waste, however, to face the possibility that I’ve invested all the time and money of the last 2 1/2 years in getting certified as a Christian educator and getting the graduate degree in counseling and not be able to achieve the simple goal of working full time, with health insurance benefits making use of that training.