Adverse Childhood Experiences

We are made in the image of God .  You are a spirit, you have a soul (made up of mind will and emotions…, or in layman’s terms, your thinker, feeler and chooser) and as long as you are on this earth you live in a body…, Now I would venture to bet that 90%+ of the ladies that come through Titus 2, have a significant history of childhood trauma….. there’s a good inventory tool that gauges the amount and effects of “Adverse Childhood Events “ or ACES…. If you want to lead the ladies in meaningful change, you need to identify and address the effects of trauma in their lives!!  There are numerous studies that have been done that show that trauma at any age but especially during childhood changes the structure and chemistry in the brain!!  What our research is consistently showing is that the most effective programs are those who are using the trauma focused approach….. and of those programs those who are making the longest lasting change are the Faith Based programs like Titus 2!!  Here’s the link to the ACE pamphlet and inventory tool: