Advocacy: Stand Firm

Days can grow long  dealing with an advocacy issue on behalf of an individual or family. Pray for those who are unjustly treated at the hands of people who want them out of their way and those who are too busy or too inconsiderate to care.

It is amazing how a matter of justice on which parties take a principled stand can occupy mental energy for over 3 months, be the focus of a contentious discussion at 9am and have all appearances of becoming a brawl. Then by 4pm, after the other party has gathered and verified more facts, there’s a 180 degree shift in demeanor and tone. Hmmmmmm……this may just get resolved with time to spare before it has to go to higher and more authoritative decision makers. If you know you’re on solid ground, trust God and stand on it! You’ll be amazed what he will do!

(From 7/17/2018)