Remembering January 6, 2021

Reflection on current events from Jan 6,2021:

Dan Bongino made an interesting observation tonight…. What happened when BLM/Antifa were raging in Washington, vandalizing and setting fire to a church next door to the White House and rampaging against the White House security barriers? Hmmmmm….. that’s right. Nothing. Media laughed at Trump for being taken away by his security team to a secure bunker. Now its the Congress getting a taste of the political unrest. Neither activity should be tolerated. Left against right or right against left….. We are two wings of the same eagle and it’s being pulled apart by the violence and disregard for the rule of law that has seemed to only roll in one direction. Our institutions and their guardians have failed us.

According to our national media and their fawning apologists it was “mostly peaceful protests” with little or no prosecution when cities across the nation have been ransacked by leftists. When it is alleged that it’s right-wing “Trumpers” threatening mayhem on the steps of our elitist politicians’ hallowed halls, it’s “insurrection.” As someone said moments ago, violence begats violence. I would like to see all of those today who broke through into the Capitol prosecuted, as is being called for by all the politicians on Capitol Hill and in the national media. Let’s see who they are, what their true colors are. Lock ’em up. And the next time the same tactics are used ANYWHERE that threaten individuals, businesses, local and state and federal properties, and communities, such violators need to be prosecuted, too. Right? Why is political violence an horrific offense in one place against one group of Americans and not an offense in another place against other groups of Americans?

Go ahead…. Defund the police. See how that works out for you….. and the rest of us.


Mitch McConnell says “overturning this election would damage our republic forever.”

What does he think the last four years of FBI lies, prior administration spying on candidates, attacks on the legitimacy of the outgoing administration, the ridiculous assaults on court candidates, and the Republicans gutlessness against the tactics of the Dems in election process “re-imagining” have done to it. We know it’s already damaged forever. There’s nothing left to lose. It’s over.

I am not angry or even concerned about the direction of our nation. I am doing what I can to live above, beyond, and in spite of whatever happens……. “in the world, but not of the world.” Nothing I do will make any significance to anyone much beyond a handful of people with whom I interact week to week. I will apply my efforts among them and on behalf of my family, as I can. And God will provide for us according to our needs and his plan.

Watching news reports provides interesting perspectives but few answers. Wisdom will not be found among the politicians, journalists, or those looking for a fight. Only on our knees and among those seeking God’s will bring sound guidance.