Perfect World Through Global Social Contract?

“An Earth Constitution (or a global social contract very much like it) is in fact a presupposition of the newly discovered holism of humanity and civilization. If we want a future on this planet, we must abolish both capitalism and nation-state sovereignty and bind the people of Earth together in a global social contract—a contract premised on the principle of unity in diversity—on the new transformative holism.”  Glen T. Martin, One World Renaissance

What a sweet thought….one that would even be possible if all the world knew, worshipped, and obeyed God in a like manner.  It will happen when Jesus comes again.   But as long as evil continues to cover the world and monied self-interests rule over most nations, there will be no such Utopia.   There are no benevolent dictators and America’s democratic experiment appears to be coming to an end.
Come, Sovereign Lord, come. .  Most of us who worship the Lord know this and pray for the “global social contract” that Martin says is “newly discovered”. but is really nothing more than what God intended at creation.
Tell the radical Islamists.   Tell MS-13.  Tell domestic abusers.  Tell abortionists.  Tell the nationalists in South Africa.  Tell the greedy money-changers who give nothing to anyone but simply continue to accrue and accrue and accrue for their own wealth-hoarding purposes.   Tell all those with grudges against others simply because of where they come from or what color skin they have or what someone’s ancestors did.
The operating premise of those who are most supportive of this worldview appears to be that if the United States will simply abandon its nationalism, give up its resources, eschew security, open its borders, step back 100-150 years in  average lifestyle, leveling the “playing field” with many cultures that have less technology, fewer resources, etc. everyone will be happy and the world will be at peace and we’ll all live as one big happy family.

I’m not seeing it …….. ( first posted  on FB 6/16/2018 by CBByrd.  Nothing has changed since then.).