Without Equal

I saw a post on Facebook by a friend referencing her “favorite daughter”. I smiled, as I know she only has one daughter! Then I remembered another post on fb a few days ago, allegedly a mother’s post that went like this: “My children argue about which of them is my favorite. That’s ridiculous! I don’t really like any of them!” Ha ha! The things one can observe in this venue often amuse, but sometimes the humor is in the fact that the posts reveal so much truth about the human condition. We have to laugh at it, otherwise we’d all be despairing and without hope. Thank God that there is hope for the human condition, in all its seaminess, sadness, and depravity….His name is Jesus! From 3/5/14


This week I happened to watch an online devotional by Lisa Bevere from YouTube on “God does not live all his children equally..”   she said when the Zhoky Spirit spoke that into her heart she was surprised and asked God to please explain it. God offerred her this insight: He created and loves each person UNIQUELY!   It sent her to the dictionary to understand the meaning of unique.  First tier meaning was sole example or representative of… No one can represent God exactly like any other person!   Second tier meaning was prototype.  Each one of us is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.  Third tier meaning is without equal or without rival.  No one of us has to compete for God’s attention or favor!  Each is uniquely created, one-of-a-kind and connected to Him.  What a special blessing to be so loved!
