Conscience As Guide

The old adage, “Let your conscience be your guide” is as good as worthless unless one’s spirit and soul are operating under the authority of the Holy Spirit. I think of the conscience, a part of the soul, as a neutral tool that is programmed by the input we feed it. If fed or sown to from the world, it gives the majority weight of its “algorithm” for decision-making influence to the things of the flesh, residing firmly at the margin between body and soul. If it is fed or sown to from the spirit, it migrates toward and firmly attaches itself at the margin between spirt and soul, taking its sustenance and direction from the Spirit/spirit union. How thoroughly we have surrendered the working of the soul’s components to the Holy Spirit and how well we guard those components as well as our physical senses from the corrupting influences of the world will determine how reliable a tool one’s conscience is on weighting all factors and influencing the making of sound, godly decisions by our cognitive (mind)and affective (heart)and volitional (will) functions so that all our conduct becomes harmonious with the Spirit over time as we grow in grace and knowledge of the Word.