Occasional disappointment in other people is a given. Even disappointment in oneself for having let others down is common. Then there is disappointment in oneself for expecting too much of others that one has to contend with, too. It simply sends one closer and closer to the side of Christ where there is no disappointment and where one’s expectations can never be too lofty. Perhaps in doing so one can avoid pulling away from others and be better prepared for the disappointments when they come.
It is a given in life that ANY individual has the capacity to disappoint another person at some point. It is a rare person that does not disappoint someone else at one time or another. When we understand that, we can be more forgiving and merciful toward others, especially those we love. We can even be merciful and forgiving toward ourselves when we disappoint others. Learning to handle our disappointment is a necessary skill of emotional literacy and mature development. Having a relationship with THE ONE WHO DOES NOT DISAPPOINT (Jesus Christ!) gives us the strength and resilience to endure the human and situational disappointments we encounter in life!