Importance of Doctrine

  • From a post 11/15/2014….

“And if they ever saw your heart, they’d see too much…..You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His……You’re beautiful…….

Listening to WOW Christian mix on ipod and reading some of “The 40 Most Influential Christians Who Shaped What We Believe Today” (Daryl Aaron).

“The Idea of development of theology or doctrine is not wrong or dangerous; rather it is to be expected. It does NOT involve expanding on Scripture, that is, going beyond it; The Word of God is sufficient, meaning God has given us everything that we need to know (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Rather, it involves explaining Scripture, that is, going deeper into it. Scripture is sufficient, but our understanding of it is not sufficient. Even now in the twenty-first century we are only really “scratching the surface” of the infinitely deep and high things of God (Job 11:7-9; Isaiah 55:8-9)