Rich Dreams

I had a dream last night. In it, I put on my candy pink terry cloth bathrobe that I like so much on cool mornings, but it had been washed and was now a soft shade of yellow, which was also quite lovely and attractive. In the dream, also, it seemed I went to give something to God. I don’t recall what it was but instead of me giving to him, I was handed a check, from the hand of God, written in the most beautiful cursive script. The amount on the check was $3,905.00! For a moment I couldn’t even begin to speculate on this dream’s meaning! Then I remembered some other financial dreams….

Twenty-four years ago I had a series of three dreams over a two week period. In the first one, I won the Publisher’s Clearing House drawing, a $7 million prize. The van showed up. There were roses and balloons and a TV crew….. the whole surprise when I opened the door response, etc……The next time, it was a lottery win of $27 million dollars. The last time it was some other kind of financial windfall for $37 million dollars. The whole neighborhood was partying in the cul de sac we lived on at the time. There was a festival feeling, grills, tables, a feast of food, also, and news crews and great joy. I remember laughing at those three dreams and thinking how funny they were….. one would actually have to enter or purchase a ticket to be considered as a winner, and I don’t do either one…. yet God seemed to speak to my heart through those dreams about the great value of a relationship with the Lord….. that there is no ticket to buy, no contest to enter or compete for, nothing except repent, believe, and receive the gift.

In light of those previous three dreams and the way the Lord uses numbers sometimes to speak to me, this dream in the wee hours of this morning seemed to say that one cannot ever out give God…. the reward for faithfully serving him will always yield more abundance than the effort required….even when that is not what one is seeking.

I am blessed to have received God’s blessings in this life, though I consider my own gifts to God to be simply filthy rags. I can only thank him and continue to listen and await his leading day by day.

I think the prosperity gospel prophets who preach financial rewards for God’s people get it wrong…..God’s love and daily provision and guidance are the currency of the Kingdom, not man’s currency of dubious and wasting worth.


Note 9/2/2022:  On interpreting these financial dreams over a couple of weeks in 1997…. The Lord showed me while I was hospitalized at Rivendell the “key” to understanding the way He was using numbers to give me understanding of circumstances.
the prize winning dream amounts were:

-$7 million –  a reference to God’s Prevenient grace that was revealed to me when I had gone to Emmaus Walk

-$27. – pointed to the Justifying grace received in my deeper commitment to Christ as my Lord and Master, not just my Savior

-$37. – is the gift of the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying Grace at work in my life

This more recent financial dream, in which I received a beautifully written check from the hand of God – $3905.00 represents “(3) Spirit’s  (9) certainty  (0) begins  (5) mind or knowledge.  My sense is that the Spirit gives the ability to think with the mind of Christ.

In a prior year at some point I had written in my journal about another dream in which I seemed to be standing sort of “off-stage”, to the side… overhearing snd seeing a conversation between God and Jesus.  God asked Jesus, “Shall we give it to her?  Is she ready?  Jesus replied, “yes, she’s ready.”  O didn’t have any idea what “it” was, but it seemed like a good thing.  I had no idea what it would be or when it would be given.  What of the pink Terry cloth robe changed to yellow????  Perhaps pink is an earth-defined image of my identity.  It changes to soft yellow…perhaps a Light of Christ holy garment?  An image perhaps of going from a worldly perspective of life to a kingdom of God life perspective.