Assume Positive Intent

A sister-friend in Christ, Katherine, has a lovely thought on the top of her FB page. It made me stop and think today.

Katherine’s header…… “Assume positive intent. Be kind. Learn something new everyday.” I think I’ve worked with addictive personalities for so long and was created by God perhaps with enough space for some larceny in my own heart to anticipate manipulation and deception so as to be able to stay just a half step ahead of most of their antics. It would certainly be nice to live otherwise. Scripture says Jesus knew what was in the hearts of people…… sadly, too often I do, too. It’s not always a good thing for one’s mental health. I have to hand it off to Jesus and shake it out of my head daily or there’s the risk of becoming jaded, cynical, and losing perspective. One simply can’t go there as a counselor. Nor can one be a would-be savior trying to fix everyone’s problem. Too close to either extreme and one will find herself falling over the side of the boat and need rescuing herself. Keep Jesus in the boat with you and he’ll keep you safely seated in the center where you can always count on him to get you where you need to be!

She observed that “In my line of work (HR) it’s also easy to jump to conclusions. I embraced “assume positive intent” about 10 years ago & it has been so freeing and has allowed me to be a little more compassionate and a little less concerned about “being played”. At the end of the day, we all have to answer for our time on earth. I pray that my actions aren’t questioned.”

Indeed, Katherine, I pray the same…. that my motives are pure and transparent