Anger’s Destruction

“In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”   Ephesians 4:26-27

My habit of rising to anger has given satan a foothold for sin many times (and not just in me, but also in those who found the anger distasteful or frightening) In observing Christ’s anger and the bold and even physical way in which he expressed it, it is clear that it was righteously employed in defense of his Father’s holy house and his brothers and sisters who were being short-shrifted by rank commercialism while they were trying to honor God. Religious abuse. Any attempt by satan, whatever tool or unwitting person he uses, to interfere with God’s will is tantamount to religious abuse, it seems to me. When anger is employed in defense of the integrity of God’s will, understand that satan is going to move in all the more vigorously to use it….not only against the one whose anger is raised by the abuses at work in the situations, but more especially in those who feel offended by or threatened by the anger of others. Anger is not the enemy….the enemy is the enemy. Those who find anger an emotion to be avoided at all cost are under the control of the enemy. Anger is simply a flag that there is something else going on that needs to be called out and remedied. Anger is simply a flag that there is something else going on that needs to be called out and remedied. I see why God says release the day’s anger and deal with it immediately, in a timely manner, “before the sun goes down.” Left to simmer, it becomes a seething resentment.. THAT is the real danger in it. Deal with it. Don’t run from it. Don’t be naïve, however, in thinking others who are uncomfortable with it won’t use it against you. I find that anger, dealt with directly, leads to better understanding and the possibility of real peace. The Scriptures say that God at times seethed with anger against the faithlessness of his people and their rebelliousness. Anger can bring change. Sometimes it is the only thing that will. When the anger of a parent of an addicted child who has used and abused the parent’s love and care for years finally results in that parent cutting the child off, the child often decides “uh-oh, I have to do something or risk the permanent loss of someone I loved.” Anger can motivate change in ways that are necessary.