
From 3/5/20

Whelmed… submerge, engulf, overtake utterly

John 21:25 25Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

It’s been one of those weeks…. So many things have happened that border on or outright fit what can only be described as miraculous…wondrous…awesome… beyond explanation…. that I just can’t even write them all down. It makes me completely understand John’s words in this verse. And it’s not even particularly to me. for me. or about me. It is all around and I am seeing it and hearing others experiencing it. Never has God been so palpably Present to so many with whom I am privileged to be journeying alongside. I am in a nearly constant state of excitement and anticipation with what God might be about to do next! Does anyone else besides a handful of us feel this?

God’s sense of humor borders on breathtaking…quite literally…in the way he works a theme for DECADES then pulls it all together in a sudden moment of personal revelation that is in one moment humorous then immediately instructive as it drains all the blood from your face and brain leaving you dizzy and ready to faint away dead to realize how the tiniest details of life are subject to his authority. I have heard another, when facing a similar moment of recognizing God’s hand at work say, “My Lord and My God, What have you done?” One person cannot begin to see all the work of God but there are moments when God shows people areas in which he is working and there is no response but absolute awe!