My Promised Land

Toby Mac has a song “Promised Land” that asks “Where’s my promised land?” When God pointed my vision to a plowed field on 3/20/1997 he began my journey to find my Promised Land. What God has shown me is that it is my own life lived in Christ that IS my Promised Land…. It is not a place defined by legal institutions’ complex and ancient property rights laws or by how long it has been passed down from parent to child…. My Promised Land is timeless, unbound by space or surveyors’ marker stakes. God enlarges the territory of those who look to Him for that place of promise….. No matter how long one spends in the wilderness, if we follow God and learn to trust His promises, he will lead us into our Promised Land when we have the skills to not only take it, but the wisdom to dwell there forever with Him. Some of us are led in the wilderness a long time before we are strong enough to fight for our homestead and sanctuary city.


Susie Larson says to firmly follow, we must persevere: “May Jesus give you the grit to persevere when your Promised Land depends on it. May He empower you with tenderness to forgive when relationships are strained. May you see those He’s given you to love with fresh eyes of compassion and grace. Believe that miracles still happen our day, because they do. Refuse to turn inward and numb out just because something feels uncomfortable. You may be tempted to dig in your heels because risk feels too scary, but don’t do it. Be strong and humble. Stay flexible and faithful. There’s a time to stay firmly planted and a time to step into the unknown. Both require faith and trust. Your Good Shepherd will lead you on the best path for your life. Stay in step with Him.”