See the Light. Be the Light.

I have written before about the phenomenon of observing light in a person.  The first time I witnessed   it was in 1995.  It was in an individual with terminal cancer with whom I had prayed for months about issues of unforgiveness. I had been under a heavy burden of intercession on behalf of the person.  I went to see her a few days before her death and I witnessed a soft translucent glow emanating from her and heard the Lord speak in my spirit,” This is Christ.”  I knew the work of forgiveness I had been praying for was complete and that Christ was present to her with the full measure of grace.  She and I were at peace.

I had witnessed radiance come over another person as I drove her to a family funeral where she would see her children from whom she had been separated due to substance abuse, legal constraints, and mental illness.  As we talked there was a softening and gentleness that came over her and a glow on her face that transformed her appearance

On two occasions in my life individuals have said they saw that light on me. Both occasions were in a church were our paths seemed to cross in what would become divine appointments that would impact my life in the weeks afterward.

In an online devotional group discussing the Holy Spirit I had written about the phenomenon in a vague way:

“What if being in Christ and Christ in us caused each of us to “glow” and what if it was such a common experience everyone wanted to make space for Christ’s Spirit to flourish and shine and there would be no more darkness…..and the whole world would know the truth of Christ in the world…….

I have seen that light shine on individuals in whom I knew Christ’s Presence was making Himself known. Is it a miracle of one “being the Light” or of one being given “eyes to see the Light” ?  I think it is actually both.”
The halo in religious art appears in about the 5th century AD. It generally represents the light of divine grace suffusing the soul, which is perfectly united and in harmony with the physical body. It is associated most frequently with angels, Christ, the Holy Family, saints, and others in religious settings.  I had talked to my pastor years ago about observing this on other people and he said that although he had never observed it the fact that so much art includes halos, there must surely be some recognition and understanding of such a  phenomenon.

I had met a woman a few months ago in a store.  We began conversing in an aisle and quickly our conversation flowed into her telling me about a family member who had died recently and about being in the midst of a divorce from an abuser.  We spent time over coffee. I visited in her home.  She came for dinner at my home.  We attended a fitness class together, all the while getting better acquainted.  I shared my faith and invited her to church.  She was more vague about her spiritual beliefs but I did learn that she had grown up in the Catholic tradition but does not attend church.

One day in a quiet corner restaurant booth we were enjoying Mediterranean salads and some deep conversation about grief .  She said to me, “There is an aura around you.”  Having dealt with several individuals who professed to see auras on people I asked her. “What color is it?”  She described it this way, “You know when you strike a match and in the center is a blue flame?  And out at the edge of the flame there’s a soft yellow glow?  It’s like that.” (I was wearing blue,)  I said to her, “You are not the first person to say that.  You know, we’ve been having some spiritually intimate conversation here about God and suffering. It is the Light of the Holy Spirit present with us and the fact that you see the Light on me means that the same Holy Spirit present with me is at work in you.”  Her hands both flew up to her eyes and she began to tear up and quiver a bit.”  She was quiet for a moment then she said, “Thank you.”  I told her about Christ often saying, “Let those with eyes to see, see; and those with ears to hear, hear.”  She said from the time we had met in the store aisle there was just something she was drawn to  I told her, “That’s how the Holy Spirit works  He draws people together and is present in the divine appointment to bring about connection, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and healing. I think our friendship is one of those divine appointments.  We have talked a lot about our experiences of grief and the way God has been present to comfort and lead us through it.  I think God wants you to understand how much he loves you and has always been close by to you ”

We finished our lunch, said our goodbyes and hugged. She hugged me so hard and long I had to pray to keep from feeling awkward .

Later I received a text:

“Thank you 🙏 so much for today precious girl! 🤗🤗🤗💐🧘‍♀️✨”

I replied, “Thank you! It was a nice visit.”

She wrote:
“Your being radiates into shimmering yellow then into gold then there is God & his gorgeous orange moving healing light which vibrates sound like the most magnificent music imaginable with waves of glorious scents & tastes waiting for us to sit at his side forever in his healing love and light.
My reply:
“There was a day following a difficult season in my life when I realized how close and loving God is. In that moment as I spoke words of praise and joy, He spoke in my heart, “Welcome to the banquet!” It is here. It is now. The kingdom of God is with us through the Presence of His Holy Spirit. I hope you know that continual peace of His Presence and enjoy the good things God has for you!”