Parenting Reflection

This is so true! I am at times dismayed by the behavior of some of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are so enamored of the culture of this world that they dishonor our Father, whose Word calls us to a different standard.

From Dr. Maxie Dunnam’s Facebook Status: Shane Claiborne is one of the most challenging, conscience-pricking Christian communicators I know. He tells of reading about an interview with one of the social psychologists who pioneered the movement of “handsoff ” parenting, insisting that our children do not need discipline. These scientists insisted children needed freedom, space to make their own decisions and mistakes. At the end of his life, one of the psychologists was asked what he had learned from years of experimentation. His response was, “It all looked good on paper. But what we learned was that we were creating a generation of brats.”

We leaders of the church must be careful in all our efforts to be “seeker-friendly”, “culturally relevant”, “inclusive”, and “tolerant”, that we pay too little attention to discipleship…the result being that we will produce a generation of “spiritual brats.” The call to know and follow Jesus is rather distinctive and should
produce a least a few people who are markedly counter cultural.  (8/4/2012)