Language of Flowers

We didn’t get to visit with our Birmingham children over Christmas, but yesterday, a package arrived from our daughter. In it was a lovely “Stitches and Petals” necklace. It is a hand stitched flower on fabric mounted in a silver charm on a neck chain. It is beautiful and a card was included describing the Bell Flower as representing Gratitude.

In 1990 a friend had given me a little book entitled “The Language of Flowers”. She was a Victorian era antiques enthusiast. This little book detailed the Victorian’s passion for using flowers to “speak” their emotions. It lists the Lily of the Valley and how it speaks of “happiness”. It also lists “Blue Bells” which stand for “constancy”. For me “Happiness” and “Gratitude” are synonymous. As I have experienced the process of overcoming grief or recovering from any distress, the point at which joy is restored is when one can express gratitude to God- at first gratitude for having survived, but later even gratitude for the lessons learned in the “valley”. And it is God’s constancy, his steadfastness, that gives rise to the gratitude….knowing that he has been there through it all. So the Bell Flower as well as the LIly of the Valley, with their belled carollas, interpreted by the Victorians as “Constancy” and “Happiness” truly both arise from and give rise to “Gratitude”!

This precious gift, so unique and personal, speaks to me. And the timing was particularly precious, too, coming on the day in which I was pleased to find joy again in moving forward with my continued pursuit of ministry and feeling gratitude to the Methodist Church and to God for the lessons I have learned this year.

Michelle West, in a book entitled, “Lily In The Valley” speaks of the left hand of God. ”It’s a place we find ourselves from time to time when we think God has forgotten us. It seems as if everything you’ve wanted God to act upon stood still. But rest assured God is always working. He doesn’t synchronize his clock to our mortal watch. He has set time to bless you. Just hold on.” ………When we are in such times as that, we must trust God and know that he never takes his eyes off of us. It is the assurance of God’s steadfastness that allows us to get through times in the valley and brings joy and gratitude at the end of the journey…..  From 1/9/15