Dangerous Counsel: “Do. What.You. Want.”!

I happened across a social media post by a pastor I know in another state…

“Wondering what God’s will is for your life?

Love God, neighbor, and self with your whole heart and all your actions.

Inside of that, God’s will is for you to just do what you want.

No tea leaves or mystical visions required.

Love God.
Love people.
Love yourself.
Do. What. You. Want.”

It was the last emphatically punctuated sentence that was particularly eye catching. (and likely to be ear tickling, too, I suspect) The entire post struck me as a bit vague and open to misinterpretation and libertine license….. depending on how one defines “love”. Too many I know have defined “love” as “that which makes me feel …….good, affirmed, validated, cherished…. or similar descriptions.” Not exactly how Jesus defined love, for sure, or lived . I myself had defined live for years according to my own feelings of being affirmed…. it was my young adult mantra in my relationship to my parents, my husband, and others. It meant I was easily offended, often hurt, regularly disappointed by unrealistic expectations, and ultimately disillusioned. Until the day I cried out to Zhod snd his simple response was, “Affirmation is not love; sacrifice is,” and I instantly saw how my parents, my husband, and others had made sacrifices for me and I was instantly changed from longing for love I felt I had been denied to gratitude for love I knew I had received all my life. I realized didn’t truly know how to love others because of my demand that I be loved in a selfish, self-focused view of love. My life was forever changed.

The following meme also crossed my feed the same day and seems far more consistent with what I understand as God’s will and my purpose in life…..

“The ‘do what makes you happy’ culture is so toxic to Christians.
We are not called to do what makes us happy. We’re called to do what glorifies God.
Christianity isn’t all sunshine and happiness. It’s hard work and dedication to him, not us.
Do. What. Glorifies. God. “



A former pastor of mine had an interest statement:

” The good news is God will give you what you want.”  The bad news is God will give you what you want.”

The point is this…  Be careful what you want.