God’s Plan For The Boat

I will NOT quit……..

trusting that God has a plan.

I will keep trying everything I can to keep the boat afloat in the storm …..

while we wait for that plan to become clear…..

Including jettisoning the ballast, lowering the sails, breaking away the mast, cutting free the lifeboats, until filnally all we can do is cling to boards to survive.

But God will still have a plan

It just may not include the boat.

That didn’t seem to bother Paul. I wonder how the captain felt. The old adage is that the captain always goes down with the ship. In some cases to lose the ship is a death sentence because it is a sacred trust of a nation’s wealth. If the ship goes down one is duty bound to go down with it, having done all within his power to save it and knowing that the odds of surviving on the high seas without it are slim indeed. So best to die with dignity than to linger in misery.

It also didn’t seem to bother the Moravians that John Wesley observed peaceful in spirit and praying through a fierce storm as the ship they shared was tossed about. That observation began his realization that something was absent or undeveloped in his Christian faith and began his search for that missing part.

Perfect Love is “ no sin in life, no fear in death.” That is the final mark of the fully surrendered life, readiness to be welcomed by Christ into Eternity. If we’ve already embraced the reality of Christ with us here and now and know that we are already in that life now, stepping from the physical realm into the spiritual realm will hold no fear. Peace and joy will attend us as all our hope is fulfilled.