From Image-Bearer to Child of God: Not hearers only……

I have come to see in the Scripture a number of names associated with people in relation to God.  Initially, even soon after Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, as these Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus Christ began the separation from the synagogues of the Jews, they became known as “People of The Way.”  As members were “added to the number,” they eventually came to be called “Christians,” meaning “little Christs” or “in the likeness of Christ.”

According to Genesis, the first identity that humankind possesses in relationship to God is “image-bearer”, having been created by God in God’s own image.  Another one, that is early on in the process of relationship development is “hearer of the Word “(or Law). In Romans 8:13 we read “For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified”. Also, in 2 Timothy 2:14 we are told that we should avoid disputing words because it does no good and “ruins the hearers”. There are always those who are listening in to the conversations by people of God.  They are weighing what God is like and what God’s people are like by what they hear. This suggests to me that” hearers” are a group that is not yet sufficiently mature to discern good from evil in disputes that they overhear and could therefore be damaged by seeing Christians in conflict. Also, James 1:22 tells us to be “doers of the word and not hearers only.” Hearers may be those who come to listen, curious, as seekers, but not yet believing.

Then there are “believers”, those who’ve heard the truth of the Gospel of Jesus and have, by the work of the Holy Spirit, understood that Jesus is God Incarnate, the Savior of mankind, and the personal redeemer for one’s own sins. Paul tells Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12 to set an example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. It appears that “believer” then is an initial stage of more committed relationship with God, also, and such believers are still in need of much teaching and guidance.

Then there are “disciples”, also called “followers”, who also appear to be similar in identity to “doers of the word”. The Scripture is full of criteria for “disciples”- be like the teacher (Christ), to serve like one’s master, one who puts other loyalties aside and follows Christ, and many more.
There are also among this group those who are called “friend”. Friends appear to be those who truly seek to know God’s heart and be obedient to His will. It is an even smaller, more intimate calling among those who are believers and disciples. We see that even among Jesus’ 12 disciples, there were 3- Peter, James, and John- with whom Christ shared the more profound aspects of His life and ministry (like their presence at Jesus’s agonizing prayer in the Gethsemane and on the Mount of Transfiguration.)  They enjoyed privileges with Jesus in terms of access and teaching that others generally did not.

For some among the believers there is also the title “sons of God”, not in the generic sense, as in “we are all God’s children.” But the special privilege of being an heir with Christ and with full identification with the Father. John 1:12 says, “But to all who received Him, who believed in His name, He gave the power (Holy Spirit’s enabling presence) to become sons of God. In Romans 8:14 we read that all who are “led by the Spirit of God are sons of God,” intimating a deeply committed posture of obedience and honor. Having the Holy Spirit present in one’s life by being a believer to enable one and, beyond that, truly appropriating that enablement by truly consecrating all aspects of one’s life to Christ, being submitted to the will of the Father and led by the Spirit are two different things, it seems to me. The latter is a matter of greater, fuller measure of surrender, obedience, and attentiveness to the Word. Being a “son of God”, according to 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 is a calling to personal holiness, to being made “perfect” and completely dedicated to God for His use. Hebrews 12:7-8 speaks of the chastising and disciplining that God does of His sons. (“Son” includes the female children’s rights and disciplining, too!)

This all suggests that not all who believe are automatically “Sons (and Daughters), Children of God”, but that they have the power to be such children and heirs to the Kingdom, like Jesus Christ, if they obey and seek holiness and submit to God’s discipliing in their lives.


-Hearer/ Seeker
-God-Fearer/ Believer In Christ
-Follower/ Disciple/ Doer of the Word
-Sons/ Daughters/ Children of God

Where am I in this progression of identity in Christ and in the schema of the relationship descriptions for people of the Christian faith?

(CBByrd 5/4/2006,  revised 9/30/24)