On Pentecost Still

6/25/17…. on Pentecost still

Psalm 104:4
You make Your messengers like the winds; the breeze whispers Your words, Your servants are like the fire and flame.

Hebrews 1:7
Concerning them, God said,
I make My heavenly messengers like the winds,
and My servants like a flame.

The last several weeks we have been exploring Pentecost and its meaning and impact on the first century believers and on us. Week before last our focus was on the wind. Last week the focus was on the fire. God has often made his presence known to his people through these means. Both of these phenomena were present in what appears to have been a very physical sense to those early believers on Pentecost. Are we as expectant as they? Are we earnestly trusting the fulfillment of Christ’s promise? Do we live into our call to be messengers and servants in response to the Spirit’s presence?