Winnowed By The Holy Spirit: When God Says “Go”

from 3/31/2021

Winnow:  blow a current of air through (grain) in order to remove the chaff….. to be blown through by a wind ….

When I felt discontent building as I adjusted to widowhood in the lakeside home where Bill and  I had lived for 16 years,  and in the home I loved and had believed would be my final abode, I felt that it was a Divine Discontent blowing of the Spirit with which I had to reckon..  That process took a couple of weeks and a lot of prayer and some wise counsel…. Now over a year and a half later I am confident it was the Lord’s “Nudge”, as Bill always called the Spirit’s urging……

“Done. What began with an unsettled feeling in our oversized Deerpoint Lake home a couple of months after Bill’s death is now a completed process…. That home has new owners and I’m reasonably well settled in a more manageable setting close to our son’s family. This is not what I’d ever have expected…. but it feels right and good. God knows what is needed even when we don’t.” 3/32/21

As I have reflected on those weeks and the growing sense that God was moving me, I have come to see a number of reasons why He nudged me, all of them sound, valuable, and necessary.  That hasn’t made it easy but it has enabled me to trust God even more, confident of His care and provision for me, as His Word reveals His particular concern for snd provision for orphans snd widows.  Oddly, it seems we all eventually come to experience the feeling of being one or the other as our lives unfold and generations mature and depart on yet another journey at God’s behest.