Bathroom Humor

Someone posted a cartoon on Facebook about a man not remembering if he put the toilet seat down or not the night before. As he walked into the bathroom his wife is down IN the toilet. It made me laugh. In the 8 years we’ve lived in our little house at Deerpoint Lake, I have used the tiny little master bath and Bill has used the even tinier hall bath. Now that my parents are going to be visiting with us more, in preparation for the addition and move, I moved a little table out of my bath and made room for Bill to use the master bath, when needed. I noticed that he is using “my” bathroom more. And I’ve noticed I have to start checking before sitting! You know, after nearly 41 years of marriage that doesn’t even bother me like it did when I was 25. I’ve even come to appreciate his position: who ordained that the toilet seat is supposed to be down? Why not leave it up and let the person needing it down put it down? It’s a good enough question. I don’t have a good enough answer.

A friend offered THIS rationale for toilet etiquette and habits:

“Why to put the seat down per Dr Oz: when you flush, a mist of whatever is in the water rises up into the air, floats all around the commode and contaminates all the surrounding surfaces. The seat down contains the mist. Put the seat down. Happy Monday morning.”