Welcome To Our House

You put out the welcome mat of an unguarded, unboundaried heart that seeks the wrong kind of connection in the wrong places and this can be the result….( see picture) instead of extending hospitality, you will find yourself being trampled upon.

We are told to guard our hearts, Proverbs 4:23; that the heart is decitful, Jeremiah 17:9; and that Jesus Himself trusted His heart to no person, John 2:24. We are to trust our heart, soul, mind and strength to God. He will guide our affections and teach us who is worthy of trust.

We receive many such unguarded, unboundaried hearts at Titus 2 But rather than allowing them to trample upon us, we seek to model and teach how to set those guards in place. If one’s vertical relationship to God is not firmly in place, rooted and established in Christ… our feet firmly on the Rock,…..it’ll be extremely difficult to stand, as God tells us to, when the enemy comes knocking at the door.