FAE and The Need For Mercy

Sarah Westfall writes beautifully about a human failing called “Fundamental Attribution Error.” Most of us get caught up in a FAE at one time or another. It may be in an incidental momentary yank of the steering wheel as one overcompensates for a momentary lapse in focus that can become a spin-out and even a full head-on collision with an unanticipated reality later. Mercy is our only way out of a FAE…… God’s mercy in helping us see our error…… our mercy toward ourselves for having succumbed to it….. and our mercy toward others whom we judged without all the facts because of our own FAE default way of thinking. Leaving room for the benefit of our doubt about our own judgments of others and trusting God with our own confusion, unexamined emotions, and negative reactions in those moments when the FAE is triggered can prevent the potentially catastrophic collision with reality later. Too often we attribute to the devil’s work the actions of others when it is his work in our own hearts that needs to be examined.




