Memories Of Bill On His Birthday

Having sweet memories of a fun day, remembering our youth! This was in May 1972 almost two months after our first date on April 1st! We were married in July during summer semester and moved into married student housing for his last two semesters at AU! Then moved to Montgomery, AL. It tookBill watched a movie on his ipad sitting next to me in the sunroom while I spent the afternoon sipping hot fluids and plinking on the computer. Going to watch “The Bible” on the History Channel tonight together. Thoroughly enjoyed having NOTHING I had to do. Love Sunday afternoons……US time. Thank you, Lord, for Sabbath.! LOL! Still crazy fans, just with changed financial priorities and less recreational stamina for the tailgating scene. Big screen TVs and recliners overcame the willingness to sit through fiery heat, tornado watches, freezing temps, and pouring rains and missing church. But when we had the internal and external stamina, they were fun and happy years!



Bill watched a movie on his ipad sitting next to me in the sunroom while I spent the afternoon sipping hot fluids and plinking on the computer. Going to watch “The Bible” on the History Channel tonight together. Thoroughly enjoyed having NOTHING I had to do. Love Sunday afternoons……US time. Thank you, Lord, for Sabbath.



Bill found a recipe on the side of a cottage cheese carton while he was eating (out of the carton!) and asked me to make it. Quick Italian Spinach Pie. It’s a crustless quiche! It was really good. We had it last night and did reruns for breakfast. I’ll post recipe later when I get back to the house.


From 2/23/2020

Sunday morning reminiscing on Bill’s 69th birthday…..listening to The Traveling Wilburys’ greatest hits…..and singing along…..ah, some things just get better with time…..LOL! The way Bill makes me laugh is definitely one of them!

Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody….. 1 Billion views….. +1. Del Shannon- Runaway…. Some things are just too much fun to forget…..


6/17/2017    ( added 6/17/2023…It’s Father’s Day weekend snd I’m missing both significant men in my life…..)

Bill and I watched “The Cokeville Miracle”, a movie about an elementary school hostage situation on May 16, 1986 in Cokeville, Wyoming, that ended in an horrific explosion, yet not one of the 136 children or 18 adults held in a single classroom was killed. Only the 2 perpetrators died. The movie tells the story of childlike faith, of prayers, of angels seen by the children, of a skeptical father who cannot deny the protection of God over his own family, and of inexplicable circumstances that prevented mass casualties. A true story. Truly miraculous!


June 17,2017

Bill discovered this morning what most of us homemakers already know….one thing always leads to another! He went to make a cup of coffee and noticed that the top of the refrigerator needed cleaning. So he took the trays on top off and set them on the counter and looked in the cabinet under the sink to retrieve some spray cleaner. In the process he knocked something over under the sink and everything went tumbling. That led him to take everything out from under the sink. When I called on my way home from Community Breakfast he said, “I need to tell you something so you won’t be upset. I sort of made a mess trying to clean something.” I laughed. So when I got home we combined half-bottles of similar products, reduced the inventory and set some over stock in the garage. It’s much neater and better organized. And I think we’ve done enough today!

(That happens for me in the refrigerator a lot…I notice a spill so I clean a shelf. In doing so I realize the crisper needs cleaning, then the meat drawer and next thing you know, I’ve done an impromptu cleaning of the whole fridge.)

June 17th, 2012…. Bill with me in my first Sunday as a provisional deacon….

at Auburn…. Summer 1972