Remembering …… Two Years After

A memory from August, 6, 2021, the first anniversary of Bill’s death;


This was our little Daisy beagle. She was adopted by our daughter’s family in 2014 and was about 3 years old, having been rescued in Mississippi by a beagle rescue organization. They brought her to live with us shortly after when they realized she was too much for their son’s allergies When Bill died a year ago today after 11 days’ hospitalization, I realized I could not keep all of our 3 dogs and 3 cats. Thankfully, our grandaughter’s in-laws in Baltimore are dog-loving people. They kindly took her into their family where she is thriving. She’s now 11.

Last night I dreamed that Daisy was standing by me as I lay sleeping and was licking my face, which she was very prone to do. I reached for her and when I did, I woke up and realized it was a dream. How sweet of God to give me that brief, sweet moment of connection to Daisy, who was such a loving part of our family life for 5 years on the anniversary eve of Bill’s death.

Today is a sad day for me. My sister who was with me in Bill’s ICU room all day last year is here with me today. We are going out to do some leisurely things and reminisce.