Promoting Mental Fitness

Promoting Mental Fitness!

Inspired by Bibical Counseling Coalition’s “What Do You Do With A Diagnosis?”, this is what we do at Titus 2 Partnership.

Biblical understanding of one’s true identity in Christ constructs a bridge from an individual’s identification with a psychiatric label (“I am bipolar,” or “I have bipolar”) to “I am a child of God indwelt by the Holy Spirit who is coping with bipolar symptoms.”

Physical symptoms and root heart issues often arise from a host of broken, dysfunctional, even……let’s just say the word!)….”sin” patterns that are endemic in a world that falls far from any ideal of wholesome and healthy. We seek to engage the sufficient resources of Scripture’s principles in supportive Christian community for resolution of these symptoms and issues. This process, this renewing of the mind – reframing of one’s contextual perception of herself in relation to her experience of reality in healthy, supportive community yields relief and glory to God, which from a Christian perspective is the chief purpose of humankind.

Place your mental health-symptom-focused identity beneath your primary identity as a beloved child of God and you’ll find yourself thinking less often of your challenges and more often of your blessings and the opportunities that hope and a future can bring.

Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”