It is with great joy that we announce the graduation of a Titus 2 student from the Bay County School District GED program at Tom P. Haney Technical Center. When she completed the final test today, she accomplished a goal that, until a few months ago, seemed beyond reach.
Today, with tears in her eyes as she showed me her temporary certificate, she said, “My Daddy, before he died, said he regretted never seeing any of his sons or his daughter graduate from high school. Today, I know Daddy sees me and is proud of this.” We know he is proud of you and so are we.
Our student is 39 years old with two children who are college-age themselves. Her daughter is pursuing a college degree out of state. Her son is exploring his college and career goals out of state, also. They, too, are pleased and proud of all that their mother has accomplished since coming to Titus 2 last July.
We are confident that her work history, determination, and interests will lead to employment in the near future here in Bay County, as she has chosen to make this her permanent home. Many thanks to the counselors, instructors, and administrators at Haney Technical Center for their encouragement, teaching, and mentoring of this and many others adult education students in our community.
Graduation for Haney Technical Center students will be May 23, 2018 at the Marina Civic Center. We look forward to welcoming family and friends for this joyfully anticipated celebration. This is our third student completing her GED in the four years of Titus 2’s program. We’ve also had one student complete an Associates’ Degree at Gulf Coast State College and another complete a national manufacturing certification program at GCSC’s STEM center. God makes opportunities available when one is ready and willing to invest the time and effort in building a foundation for career success.
Long Time Coming….