Memories of Bill: Sharing In Ministry

After Bill retired from broadcast management in 2008, he was always available to help me in ministry at Lynn Haven UMC or at the Rescue Mission and later, he was very supportive in helping me with Titus 2 Partnership’s ministry to women.  I miss his counsel, support, and encouragement.

“T.I.R.E.D……You may have heard about the hundreds of pounds (600 lbs.?) of chicken donated to the mission over the weekend by a Mardi Gras vendor who found the crowds smaller than expected. But you probably didn’t hear it was previously frozen, thawed out and needing to be cooked promptly. That’s what Bill and I have been doing, along with George Stewart and Mike Seamon (Bless their hearts! No, really, bless their hearts!) We cooked a couple of hundred pounds of it tonight at Lynn Haven UMC’s kitchen. We’ve got that much more to cook in the morning! Anyone want to come help me?”  (2/13/2012)



The Lord is gracious and kind, ever encouraging and comforting. I am so blessed to know and be known by Christ, to have godly friends and a husband who fears and worships the Lord, loves me, and is a co-worker in ministry. I am in the best place in life I have ever been. Reasonable goals are in place for the near future to be accomplished toward which to work and I have the satisfaction of seeing God work in the lives of women he has entrusted to our care. We have instructors and board members who provide wonderful advice and support. So many things are going well and giving me many reasons to rejoice and praise God! I think I need to go play through the hymnal or my classical piano book to release some of this bubbling contentment and joy…….wish I could can it for a day when the storms are raging! LOL!


Bill is at work on the computer downloading the “river” songs to my ipod for our Merry Makers music program at Mathison Retirement Center tomorrow! He’s so helpful. His skill gives me the opportunity to use different tools for ministry that I couldn’t do by myself.

Our theme tomorrow is “Shall We Gather At the River?” Come join us. 2:00 pm at Mathison…Singing, stories, and fun.


My sweet (and smart) husband, Bill, is a technophile. He’s been asked to do yet another non-profit website, which he kindly and humbly does for free, enjoying the challenge and learning about these groups. It is part of the gift of generosity that he has. This is at least the seventh or eighth one in the last year of which I am aware that he has taken on to help agencies or churches with their online presence. He loves experimenting with various “plug ins” and “macros” and templates. The only downside I can see is that he and Microsoft techs are on practically a first name basis and he is a tester for their products in development. Sigh…….so our computers get the newest upgrades as soon as they are available, which means my computer gets “upgraded” regularly…and I have to learn my desktop and the applications that I use regularly once again. I’m getting better. I can read icons a little better than I used to, which has always been a challenge for this word-person! I’ll have to say the newest Microsoft improvements seem to be quite user-friendly. I think I only had to ask Bill a couple of questions the first time I got on line after the upgrade. “Where are my favorites?” He is quite persevering in instructing me. And he keeps my Mother’s computer operating. She calls him whenever she has a “bug” (which, like me, is pretty regularly because, as he says, we click on too many junk things of Facebook!)) and he gets on the remote software, takes over her computer and straightens it out. He also keeps the office and classroom computers at Titus 2 serviced. I am blessed to have him. And I am grateful that he has a heart to bless others who, like him, are seeking to serve the Lord.


Aug 26, 2018

My hubby is sooooo helpful! I realized about 8pm that I couldn’t find my phone. I remembered using it three times while I was out to run some errands between 4 and 6pm, so naturally I looked in my car. No sign of it. I had Bill ring it. No ringtone in the house or the car. So I called the three places I had gone. No one had seen it. Bill got out his ipad, signed in with my Apple ID and tracked my phone. We looked at the map and realized it had to be in my car. He was able to ping the phone and it lit up and began signaling its location…..stuck down between the passenger seat and the console! I had turned off the ringer during church and never turned it back on. But the locator application on the ipad was a handy tool! Saved by his technology skill!