Awakening To The Image of God

In each of us lies the image of God ….. Christ himself awaits revelation and the fullness of God’s glory within my own spirit. Can I provide fertile soil and cultivation for The Vine that my life might yield fruit??? As God desires, may I be sown…..

C.S. Lewis (The Weight of Glory, 1949): “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal…. it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit – immortal horrors or everlasting splendors…..your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses, for in him also Christ lies hidden – the glorifier and the glorified. Glory Himself, is truly hidden.”

Dr. Elizabeth Lewis Hall: “Why is suffering such a gift? Only because of its link with Christ! Because of Christ, our suffering can be made holy, full of meaning and purpose. Suffering is a gift in which we can rejoice because it moves us toward the goal of knowing Christ, depending on Christ, identifying with Christ, and participating in his glory!”

We can seldom grasp what awakening to and magnifying the image of God in us can even look like without the example of Jesus Christ and his selfless, sacrificing love. It is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ that the hidden and unexpressed desire of the image of God within our spirit is stirred, given voice and rises up to call forth New Life in all of who we are….. spirit, soul (mind, emotions, will, personality, and conscience), and body.