How Does One Answer, “What Is Prayer?”

In my morning devotional the question was posed, “What is prayer?”

I quiet my spirit and await the stillness that precedes awareness of the Presence of the Father, while I abide in Christ, as I have since my profession of faith in Christ, and with His Holy Spirit within my spirit and soul. His Spirit guides me into holy communion, that may include conversation, with the Divine.

On an aside: there was a moment many years ago that I wrote about in my journal…. I don’t know if I was awake or dreaming or praying in the Spirit…. but I saw an image of two men standing who appeared to be the Father and Jesus…. The Father said to Jesus, “Shall we give it to her?” Jesus said, “Yes, she’s ready.” I had the impression they were talking about me. I wasn’t sure what “it” was they were going to give me, but it didn’t seem to be the Holy Spirit, as my impression was that it was the Holy Spirit with me that had brought me to see and hear this exchange. So it seemed that something else was going to be given….. maybe a spiritual gift or an insight or a call to ministry or even a test of some sort. I recall simply listening, with no need for further details or clarification, but just trusting that whatever it was, it would be good and I would receive it when it arrived. Someday I’m going to go back through 20 years of journaling and find that entry to see what else was going on in my life at that time that might inform that “pulling back of the veil” and being led into such a holy moment.

Shortly after my husband died I had another similar experience. It was early morning, just before I awoke. And I had a very brief dream of Jesus sitting on a bench or chair and Bill seated below him (and as I remember it now, Bill was on Jesus’ right side, looking up and listening. I heard Jesus say, “Watch this. She’s going to wake up in a minute and her first waking thought will be of me, then of you…. ” (I smiled to myself knowing that would not surprise or offend Bill since he and I both had Jesus Christ as our highest priority relationship!) then Jesus said to Bill, “You are in union with me here. She is in union with me there. And because you are both connected to me, you are still connected to one another.” That was it. I awoke feeling so loved and protected and still connected to Bill, even in death, just as I have felt connected to Christ in his resurrection, ascension and in my baptism and communion.