Life Recovery As One’s Own Exodus Story

The metaphor offered below by my friend, Deborah Ann Holstine, is RICH!!!! It is a beautiful biblical exercise in visioning one’s own transition from victimization and bondage in sin to victorious living in Christ!

We use an adaptation of William Bridges’ diagram on “managing transitions” to help women understand how to understand and walk out their life recovery transformation goals.

Deborah’s metaphor is the Twelve Steps and managing transitions as viewed through the long lens of the story of the people called ‘children of Abraham” ….. the chosen of God. And it includes all of us!

“Consider telling the story of your life up till now as if it were an “exodus” story.

Where did you grow up and what kind of life did you grow accustomed to in the first few decades?

And then: was there a defining moment when you left some part of that?

What was the “sea” you crossed as you moved into the transitional wilderness?

Do you feel as if you’ve crossed over into new life now? Or is that still coming?

What does it feel like to be in the in-between? What fruit has it borne in you?”  (2/15/2020)