Jesus Paid It All… For Everyone

This was posted by a young friend of mine who certainly has worked through a lot that she never deserved and for which she never got an apology…..When I saw this it occurred to me that Jesus’ death on the cross was a choice by him to accept the sins of all who’ve wronged us, as well as our wrongs toward others. In that sense, it is an apology to all who’ve suffered at the hands of others that they never got from their human abusers, as well as an act of redemption for the sins of all mankind. I never considered that side of the equation. Wow. Considering Christ’s sacrifice from that perspective makes forgiving others easier, even if they have died. Even if they never sought forgiveness. Even if they never knew they hurt us. Even when they were too proud to acknowledge their conduct as a sin against another person. Jesus’ death was a sacrifice for the sinner and for those who’ve been sinned against! Truly, as the song says, “Jesus paid it all.” Double the sweetness of the cross………