Redemptive Reversals

“The first Adam fell from his humanity from eating a proscribed meal he was forbidden to eat.
The last Adam showed us how to rise to our humanity from eating a prescribed meal we are bidden to eat.” Leonard Sweet

There is such beauty in the many ways we see the NT in Jesus Christ and through his church redeem the acts of man that separated mankind from God in the OT. This vision of Holy Communion is perhaps one of the simplest and most beautiful I have seen expressed.

Consider these:
3000 died, after worshipping a golden calf that arose from flames of desecrating fire; 3000 were born into worshipping in Spirit and Truth when Christ’s church arose from the tongues of the Holy Spirit fire.

The hands of humanity grasped fruit forbidden by God that promised to satisfy the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; the wounded hands of Jesus extend to humanity the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit that overcomes the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

Water offered from a well to a servant seeking a bride for his master signaled God’s promise to continue his blessing through the generations of Abraham; Living Water offered at a well to a woman married five times by the Servant Master signaled God’s blessing to Abraham fulfilled to all generations of all nations of the world.

A man with a hip permanently dislocated from wrestling with God saw a ladder extend up into heaven with ministering angels on it; a lame man was lowered down by ropes through a hole by ministering hands of friends to receive healing from Jesus Christ.

Many other redemptive reversals can be identified…
