Avoid Vain Controversies

From 3/15/20

A friend shared a FB meme that points a questioning finger at the NIV Bible and its publishing house by comparison to the NKJV on the basis of a difference in a couple of verses or partial verses that are “missing” from the NIV. The NIV, as I understand it, is translated from what are supposed to be a greater wealth of older, better “vetted” manuscripts than the original KJV. I’m not sure what sources NKJV used but my understanding has been it was mostly a linguistics issue to make the reading of it more comfortable for today’s less rigorously educated populations compared to the narrow 16th century reading public that first received the original KJV. I don’t get into controversies over translations or paraphrases. Such things really don’t matter unless one is involved in academia, apologetics, publishing and doctrinal battles. None of those are relevant in Bible reading for most of us. Read whichever translation or paraphrase is easiest to understand as long as it is for your own devotional time and growth. If you’re a deeper diving disciple, choose a translation whose editorial committee is balanced and using as much of the tried and tested ancient texts as possible.

There are numerous scriptures that make it clear why Christ came. Any single verse or piece of a verse left off because of an editorial dispute is not going to sink the ship for the average believer. The Bible is intended to be read as a whole, not picked apart verse by verse. That is legalism at its most petty and pretentious and leads to “proof texting” to make scripture say what you want rather than approaching it openly and prayerfully with The Holy Spirit as the Guide and Interpreter for one’s life.

Just sayin’……..