Revelation 13-14: The Beasts and Ideological Totalitarianism

Written 7/2/2015:

My understanding of Rev. 13:1-14:20:


First beast (from the “sea)- represents moral depravity, evil, systems or philosophies of thought

    -The “sea” is the place of Leviathan- which is  fearsome and evil 

    -This beast is fearsome (evidenced by the animals’ appearances)

-It is given the power and authority of the dragon (satan)

-It enthralls the earth 

-It is haughty and blasphemous to God

-It is allowed by God.

-It is all over the earth.


Second beast (from the “earth)- arises out of and reflects and encompasses the institutions of man, represents tolerance, political correctness and other philosophies and systems of thought represented and promoted by the beast of the sea

    -enforces worship of the first beast

    -deceives people

    -causes the “mark” (name or number 666) to be placed on the right hand or forehead, without which one may not “buy” or “sell”

“Mark”-  Name or Number

    As I’ve been led to understand “666”, this triplet is the superlative, maximum expression of the most base, selfish, human aspects of our nature- a complete immersion in self, in effect making oneself the final authority (god) on issues of morality and totally focused on self gratification, self elevation, and pleasure and comfort.  The name that would correlate with the number would be “Self” (capitalized to reflect its own importance).


“Right Hand”-  right hand defines a position or modality of authority/respect/power or is an instrument of action.  To have the “mark of the beast” on one’s right hand would imply that the person acts out of self interest exclusively and perhaps even ruthlessly over others. 

“Forehead”- The forehead is the covering for the frontal lobe, which is our emotional control center and the home of our personality.  Key functions include problem solving, spontaneity, memory, judgment, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior.  To have the “mark of the beast” on this part of us implies that it is obvious in one’s behavior, unable to be hidden, and that one’s motives and responses are driven by his obsession with and elevation of his own pleasure, desires, and self interest. 


Those without the “mark” cannot “buy or sell”.  During this end time period, while satan’s rule is permitted on earth, only those with the “mark” are granted “currency”, the freedom to express their opinion and influence others.  This is the ultimate example of enforcement of a “politically correct” environment.  Only those who are gods in their own Selves, who deny the One True God, are granted credibility or perhaps even the freedom to express their beliefs.  The only value here is that there is little straddling of the fence.  One is forced to take a stand, one way or the other. 


For us to have the Lamb’s name and the Father’s name on our foreheads (Rev. 14:1) means that we (true Christians), too, are obviously known by our loyalty to God.  It is plain, clear, and out in the open for everyone to see.  These

    -can learn the “new song”

    -are sexually pure

    -follow Christ

    -have been redeemed

    -are truthful

    -are “spotless” (as in washed clean by the blood of the Lamb)


When the distinction between the two camps – “beast-marked” or “Lamb-marked” is accomplished, Christ reaps the “harvest” from the earth.  An angel reaps the “clusters of the vine” which is put through the wine press, which is the wrath of God.  These are not those marked with the mark of the beast, as they will have to suffer the 7 plagues.  Who then are these in the second group?  If they are “clusters of the vine”, could they be the Jews who know God but reject Christ? 


The clarity fades here.  More time and study is required.



Addendum:  7/14/2021….. This article describes the philosophies that are held by and promoted by the “beast of the sea” and forced upon the “beast of the earth, the institutions of man.

Totalitarianism  May 2021

The following was written by David Kubal, CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA) Pray.  While I agree with part of his assessment, that we are seeing a demonic swell that has not been seen by our generation before. I do not agree with his assessment that America has the answer.   I believe the continent of Africa where such forces have operated for centuries with great power, is a rising force that will bring hope and confidence to Christ-following people across the globe.  And I’m not the only one in the US and elsewhere that thinks that. Like the children of Israel squandered a legacy by not recognizing Christ Jesus, so the US, too, has squandered its blessing by God.  And so, we will pay a steep price.   Our time in history as the “city on a hill”, like that of other civilizations of the past, seems to be almost done.  Do I believe God would give us another chance……. like ancient Nineveh?  Sure.  Do I believe there is enough prophetic wisdom for repentance to take root and cause us to turn to the Lord?  It remains to be seen. Do I believe the gospel will cease to exist in America?  By no means.  The faithful will still be faithful, regardless of what comes.  

“Never before in the history of mankind has there ever been such a complex, demonic attack against a culture. Never before have we seen mainstream media, big tech, “woke” capitalism, social justice warriors, and governmental leaders align willingly under such a clear set of anti-God values. The values sound like: biblical marriage limits people’s love; abortion on demand is a person’s choice; America is a racist country; defunding law enforcement is the only answer; black lives matter; all whites are racist; only insurgents question election results.

………Every one of these groups or companies listed accepts these demonic values. Not only that, they feel it is their social responsibility to do their part to enforce these anti-Christian values.

It’s ideological totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism is always about a set of values, but during the course of humanity totalitarianism is typically held by a small group of people who take over power and then force compliance to their set of values. Over time the totalitarian values of the powerful become abusive, but the point of abuse is not always obvious and people don’t always recognize the abusive nature of the leaders at the same time.

The form of totalitarianism we are seeing in our nation at this time is something never before seen in history. A large, vast group of powerful leaders across society’s spectrum – news organizations, (business corporations), politicians,  tech leaders, etc. – share the same set of values and are enforcing them abusively through limiting religious freedoms and free speech.

It’s ideological totalitarianism.

The only explanation for this perfect storm of power and anti-God values is that it is demonic. At the highest levels diabolic forces have been unleashed against the destiny of this nation in a coordinated effort. How else could there be such alignment?

We must ask ourselves why this has happened. The first part of the answer is the Church has stopped being the culture influencer it is supposed to be. We bought the lie that Church and government must not mix. We have focused on salvation alone and not on discipleship of the influential. The second part of the answer is that this comprehensive demonic onslaught is attempting to sabotage a nation with a great destiny. The activities of the U.S. church have accomplished more for the gospel than any in history. The U.S. has furthered the causes of freedom like none in history.”

The beast of the sea and the beast of the earth, under authority of satan are having a field day…….