Easter in The Past

From 4/16/2017:

I had phoned in my message title and scripture for today’s sermon to the voicemail of the worship leader. He called me back the next day to verify what he’d taken off the voicemail. He sounded confused by my choice! Luke 1:1-3….After the sermon today he came over and said, “That was the PERFECT scripture for that message.” He wasn’t sure where I was going, but it seems I brought it all together. And his choice of hymns was perfect! My sweet husband, Bill, attended worship there with me at Trinity UMC. Great to be together for worship on Easter Sunday!

I asked Bill to take a picture of me by the UMC cross and flame, knowing that this worship service would likely be one of the last in which I would act in an “official” capacity as a provisional deacon before I am discontinued from pursuit of ordination at the Annual Conference in June. He said, “Is it a scrapbook memory for you or to annoy someone else?” LOL! It is for me, but I suspect there are some who will have been annoyed. Oh, well.