Counterfeiting Gifts

I have had quite a few conversations this past two weeks about the gift of tongues as a result of writing about one young lady’s experience of it in two different venues and with two very different outcomes. Because I have not personally experienced this gift in the typical way, some in the past have believed that I am against it or that I don’t understand or appreciate it. None of that is true. I’ve seen the gift expressed in it’s sweetest, most worshipful and healing manifestations. I’ve also seen it in what appeared to me to be showy, personally-glorifying, even frightening (to some) manifestations.

Everything that God has provided for his people to build up the church and edify God’s people can be counterfeited and abused by the Enemy, including gifts. This is not an indictment of the individuals themselves. It is simply acknowledging the reality that some people can be influenced, even used, by the Enemy secretly in ways that undermine their witness and attempt to divide the church . Just saying……..