Becoming Perfect-Butterfly Style

In our ministry we relate the spiritual growth of a person to that of a butterfly’s life cycle: first is the initial stage-the egg. It contains all the potential that will be needed to become what God intended. As it becomes an immature caterpillar it eats, grows and molts as it moves toward its full size, much like we do as we consume the things of life around us and grow in the ways necessary. Once at full physical size one recognizes it needs a change and enters into a cocoon stage. Our ladies’ time in life recovery we call their “cocoon” stage. When it begins those outside cannot see the inside of what is becoming. But as its transformation continues, it becomes more transparent and there’s excitement in beholding the emerging nature as it begins to become evident…. Then there comes the time when it emerges from the coccoon, stretches the wings, discovers its new capabilities and begins to fly!